EHTA 2ª Edición

“EHTA 2 – Education in Hydrogen Technologies Area 2” 


Del 30 de octubre al 3 de noviembre de 2024, Encuentro en Suhl, Alemania.

El tema del encuentro era el WP2: Acquiring knowledge and skills for the labour market following the use of hydrogen Training in Germany

Durante el primer día los participantes del proyecto visitamos la empresa Maximator Hydrogen Nordhausen. Esta empresa se dedica principalmente a la construcción de hidrogeneras.

Al día siguiente visitamos el Hyson Institut en Sonnenber. En este centro se dedican a la investigación. Allí nos explicaron sus dos principales líneas de trabajo que son las mediciones de los flujos de hidrógeno en tuberías y la adaptación para el transporte de hidrógeno de tuberías ya existentes y que canalizan otro tipo de líquidos y/o gases.

Al día siguiente, nos desplazamos a Wunsiedel para visitar una de las plantas de generación de hidrógeno verde más grandes de Alemania.

Del 8 al 10 de mayo de 2024: Formación recibida en la Fundación para el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de Aragón.

Durante tres días los participantes del proyecto han recibido formación relacionada con el hidrógeno verde


Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Cooperation among Organisations and Institutions, 2023 call 


WP 2 – Acquiring knowledge and skills for the labour market following the use of hydrogen

  • A 2.1 – Professional training – Spain
  • A 2.2 – Professional training – Germany
  • A 3.3 – Realization of round tables between vocational schools and employers (companies)

WP 3 – Creation of didactic units and educational platform

  • A 3.1 – Creation of educational platform
  • A 3.2 – Creation of didactic units

WP 4 – Dissemination activities

  • A 4.1 – Dissemination of activities – secondary vocational schools
  • A 4.2 – Dissemination of activities – primary schools
  • A 4.3 – Dissemination of activities – public
  • A 4.4 – Dissemination of activities in Spain
  • A 4.5 – Dissemination of activities in Germany
  • A 4.6 – Dissemination of activities in Romania

Output 2 – Increase the qualification of teachers involved in project
Indicator 2.1 – 12 people who successfully completed their professional training in Spain.
Indicator 2.2 – 12 people who successfully completed their professional training in Spain.
12 trained people in Germany
Indicator 2.3 –
2 successfully organized round tables with vocational schools, employers (and association and public bodies) – approx. 16 participants per meeting.

Output 3 – Didactic units and educational platform.
Indicator 3.1 – set of at least 55 didactic units
Indicator 3.2 – successfully finished pilot testing of the set of 55 didactic units (minimum of 10 didactic units per school)
Indicator 3.3 – minimum of 8 new teachers trained in educational platform and didactic platform (cooperation on pilot testing)
Indicator 3.4 – Educational platform in 4 languages (English, Spanish, German, Romanian)

Output 4 – trained teachers, students and pupils
Indicator 4.1 – minimum of 20 vocational schools familiar with the education platform and 100 students who will enter the 2D game
Indicator 4.2 – minimum of 30 grammar schools familiar with the education platform and 80 pupils who will enter the 2D game
Indicator 4.3 – minimum of 3 conferences for professional public, 18 articles on web sites or social media
Indicator 4.4 – 2 Spanish vocational schools and 4 grammar schools familiar with the education platform, min. 20 students who will enter the 2D game
Indicator 4.5 – 2 German vocational schools and 4 grammar schools familiar with the education platform, min. 20 students who will enter the 2D game
Indicator 4.6 – 2 Romanian vocational schools and 4 grammar schools familiar with the education platform, min. 20 students who will enter the 2D game

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