Course 2022-2023

María during her Job shadowing at the ISEC, Lisboa.
Lenka, headmaster at Střední odborná škola energetická a stavební, presents the job shadowing she did at IES La Merced
Malik and Ayman, students for Basic Vicational Training in Electricity and Electronics, are doing their practises at the company SAS Raúl Ceballos at Ceret (France), during April 2023.
In April 2023, students from the High School Agrupamento de escolas Vila Nova de Poiares (Portugal) visited us.
The Telecomunication students Yasmina, Carlos and Iker enjoyed a stay in Portual between April and July 2023 at the company that manufactures IPEs Ansell, site at Vila Nova de Poiares.
The students from the College Jean Amade de Ceret (France) visited us in April.
Frida Rivero, student of the Superior Vocational Training in Electrotechnical and Automatic Systems, will make a placement at the high technology company Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH, site in Hagen (Germany), between March and May 2023.
The teachers Jesús Carlos Estébanez and Elías Paniagua travelled to France to visit the Collège Jean Amade de Ceret in March 2023.

Course 2021-2022

The Telecommunication Installations students Álvaro de la Cruz, Israel Pérez and Alejandro Revenga, enjoyed a placement in Portugal between April and June 2022 at the company that manufactures IPEs Ansell, site in Vila Nova de Poiares.
Luis Garcia, student of the second course of Electricity Vocational Training, thanks to the agreement of the IES La Merced with the lycée professionnel Ligier Richier, travels to france to do a placement at the company Dalkia, at Saint-Dizier.
Rodrigo Pascual, student at the Electrotechnical and Automatic Systems Superior Vocational Training, travelled to Ireland to do a placement at the company MP Installations & Maintenance LTD, site in Tipperary.
Hosting three french students from Bar-Le-Duc at Valladolid’s Company Entrepinares. September 2021

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El proyecto “Erasmus + FP IES La Merced” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del IES La Merced y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.